Are you a festival trader?

We've been there and felt the pain of organising the festival application process.
Use our 3 main tools as well as many others to help you through the application process of applying to the hundereds of festivals.

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Festival Map

Using pin-point accuracey we've built a map of festivals so you can search for a festival to apply for by its location or within a certain radius from your base.

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Clash Calendar

The clash calendar will help you plan you're year by showing you all the festivals you're interested and highlighting any clashes with other festivals.

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The timeline will keep you on your toes by altering you to any specific dates or deadlines by email or text. You'll see your whole year ahead of you.

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Tools for the job

Other tools include notes and alert popups, document renew reminders, buy / sell / trade equipment, event costing spreadsheets, general advice on applying and trading plus managing your own (public or private) profile, which enables you to chat to other traders and post in forums. You'll also get the chance to rate festivals on how the experience went for you, good or bad.

All this 'stuff' is controlled through your simple-to-use dashboard.
Have a look at all this stuff and see how good and potentially valuable it is.

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